Je me suis présenté comme “artiste et copiste néoplatonicien”.
Les réponses à ma demande de consultation des
manuscrits ont été favorables à quelques exceptions
Les réponses à ma demande de photographier sur
place ont été négatives la plupart du temps.
Liste des manuscrits des Éléments d’Euclide dans
chaque bibliothèque.
Oriental Manuscripts. Or 1514. Commentary on the first five books of Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī by Abū Isḥāq ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Kūbanānī al-Yazdī
IO Islamic 1270, Thabat barahin bad ashkal kitab Uqlidis fi al-Usul by Abu Said Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abd al-Jalil al-Sijz, 16th century
Londres, British Museum, arabe: 974, 1334, 1335, Nasir ad Din at Tusi.
India Office, ms 736 à 740: version de Nasir ad Din at Tusi, petite édition
ms 744: Persan.
Bodleian Library,Western manuscripts = Duke Humfrey's Library)
10 mss.
Codex Bodleianus, D'Orville. 301. in-4°, parchemin; daté 6397 création du monde = 888. 15 livres.
scholies de la main d'Arethas (865-939).(Heiberg)
diagrams are in all cases given.
Codex Bodleianus, D'Orville.70. 15 livres. Adelard: liv VII-XV.
XIIIe. parchment leaf. 15 Liv. Diagrams clearly made. Osiris 11, p.359.
Marshall Clagett: " While examining a Bodleian manuscript, D'Orville 70,
I discovered tucked away in the middle of Euclid's Elements a short uncatalogued
Latin translation of an arabic tract on the hyperbola. This tract is in
a thirteenth century hand".
The treatise on two lines always approaching each other but never meeting.
Digby 174. XIIe. Liv XI-XIV: Gérard de Crémone.
Liv I-XI. Adelard III. figures carefully done.
Canon. misc. 200. acquis en 1409 par Antonio Fontesello pour sa bibliothèque
de Venise. El. + Pecham's Perspeciva.
Canon. misc. 145. Gérard C. liv III.
Can, misc. 554. Campanus version.
Barocci 161. Greek. Codex bombycinus, sec XV. Procli Lycii in Euclidis
Elementorum librum primum commentarii, libris quatuor comprehensi, cum
figuris in margine delineatis. fol1.
Auct. F. 5. 29. Astrological and other treatises. Latin. 14th century.
Auct. F. 3. 16. Euclid, Elementa. Greek. 15th century, end. Paper.
Auct. F. 3.13 "Adelard II". XIIIe illuminated capitals 15 liv. 13th century, second half.
Saville. 19. Lat. parchment. XIIIe. Adelard: liv I-V. diagrams. 15 liv.
Saville. 13. Grec. paper. XIVe. Liv 1, 2. diagrams, scholia.
Arch Selden B.13. Lat. parchment XIIe. illuminated border, capital... Euclidis
philosophi Socratici... Adelard cum Campanus. 15 liv with many diagrams.
Douce 125. Parchment 10th century - 11th century. Pseudo-Boethius, Geometry I.
Oriental manuscripts 7 mss
Revision of the Elements by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, 3ms:
MS Marsh 621 (Uri 1012)
MS Marsh 373 (Uri 949)
MS Huntington 308 (Uri 906)
Tahrir (révision) de Ibn Abi al-Shukr al-Maghribi (XIIIe)
MS Bodl. Or. n°448. (Nicoll 280)
Ishaq ibn Hunayn (seconde moitié IXe) revisé par Thabit
Ibn Qurrah (836-901)
MS Huntington 435 (Uri 919).
MS Thurston 11 (Uri 958 et Nicoll 279).
A commentary on the postulates of Euclid by Ibn al Haytham
MS Huntington 237.
MS Neubauer. Heb. 2002. Mich 405. Ol. 63
Livres I-XV.
copie du 6 Tevet 5334. (25 décembre 1574) par Y'hudah ben Abraham Zarqo. Span. Rabb. char. Paper.
Colophon du Liv XV (fol.152a): "Le quinzième
traité de l'ouvrage d'Euclide le savant est achevé; je
l'ai traduit de l'arabe en hébreu, moi Moïse ben Samuel ben
Juda ben Tibbon, de Genade en Espagne".
Oxford trinity college
Ms. 47. XIIe Oxoniensis (Adelard I. version). diagrams in the margin
are quite accurately drawn and lettered. 8 liv:
"Institutio artis geometrice ab Euclide descripta XV libros continens,
per Adelardum Batoniensam ex arabico in latinum sermonem translata, incipit"
Oxford, Corpus Christi College Merton St, Oxford OX1 4JF
Ms 251, "Adelard II", XIIIe. 15liv.
165. Boethius Arithmetica, Euclides Geometria, with commentary
by Campanus. Vel. (late XIIIth c.) (27x20cm)
"The Euclid, written so far as the text goes, in large letters with
the comentary in smaller letters, must be set down to the end of the thirteenth
century. The text of the translation is what which is ascribed to Adelard
of Bath, who wrote it early in the twelfth century, when he was studying
Greek and Arabic in Naples. ... Such an early and complete MS is hardly
to be found outside the public librairies. It formely belonged to the monastery
of St Martin at Tournai, and is mentionned by Antonius Sanderus in his
Biblioteca Belgica, 1641.
159 Euclides, Elementa, parts of books III-IV, Vel. (England 14th c.).
6 ff. only. (22x17cm). diagramms in the margins.
166. Boethius Arithmetica. Vel. XIIIth c. (19x13)cm. Geometrical figures:
oui mais d'arithmétique (nombres figurés).
188. Flores arismetrice; Mohammed Ibn-Musaal-Khawarazmi. Introductorium
breve super Elementa Euclidis (ff. 211-233). Pap. (1456-1501), 22x15cm.
Written in Germany. vu: triangles rectangles avec applications numériques.
513 Euclides Def and proofs from the first six books French, 18th cent.
daté 1750. 13.4x8.7cm. non folioté. Papier blanchâtre,
deux marges verticales et horizontale supérieure. Écriture
fine noire "ronde". I.1, fine, noire, règle et commpas, sans lettres.
I.5 idem, légèrement effacée. I.47 idem.. IV.11 .. VI.33
Elements of geometry by Euclid by Sjoerd Hofstra, published by Zet Amsterdam
New York. 1994. 10 copies signées.
Autres Bibliothèques U.S.
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus. i.29 University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia
+3ème siècle 8.5x 15.2cm. figure II.5 is drawn without rule,
free-hand, and carelessly (and is unlabelled)
B.N. 189.4. The library of James Logan (1674- 1751) of Philadelphia.
701. Paris 1516
702. Paris 1557.
703 Elementorum Geometricorum Libri Tredecim (Tr. Nasir-al-Dib)
Rome, In Typographia Medicea, 1594. arabe et latin
704. Libri. XV. Accessit liber XVI. Clavius. Frankfurt, 1607
705. Libri. XV. Isaac Barrow. London, 1678.
706. David Gregory, Oxford 1703.
The Boston Medical Library, 8 the Fenway, Boston,
25. Euclides, Elementa, in the Latin version of Adelard
of Bath,(ff. 1-38). Pap. 1466, (21x15cm). Written in Austria by Matheus
Patriarch, of Graz. Diagrams and illum. borders.
General Library of the university of California, Berkeley.
Ms Mar 35 Euclid Elementa, libr; XV.. Hieronymi Campani.
Vel 26x17cm, xritten in Italy, 15 th c. "15 illuminated initials,
1 illuminated border; marginal illustrations.
The Library of R.B. Honeyman, Jr., Rancho Los Cerrittos,
San Juan Capistrano, California
24 (Math.1) Euclid Elementa, Vel. 21x17cm, written in Italy,
14 th c. Geometrical diagrams in margins