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Some of my recent mathematical papers:
Some software packages I wrote:
- Uniform Solution for Uniform Polyhedra
- Geometriae Dedicata 47 (1993), 57-110.
- Curvature of Curves and Surfaces - a Parabolic Approach
You can learn about my ICD and browse in my Jules Verne, Andersen, and Escher pages. You can also send me mail. See you around on the Web!
- kaleido
- Uniform Polyhedra - Computation and 3D Display. See the Virtual Reality models produced by Kaleido. Roman Maeder ported Kaleido to Mathematica. Take a peek at his Uniform Polyhedra and Stellated Icosahedra pages.
- pp
- A pretty printing utility.
- hebgroff
- Hebrew fonts for Groff.
- Hebrew/English keyboard map for Linux.
- gauss
- Hebrew calendar programs, using Gauss formula for the Julian date of Passover (I also collect other calendar programs). BTW, today is 9 Elul 5758 .
Dr. Zvi Har'El Department of Mathematics +972-4-8294094(Phone) Technion - Israel Institute of Technology +972-4-8324654(FAX) Haifa 32000, ISRAEL ``If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all.''--Thumper (1942)