On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, daniel Boeno wrote: > Cher Monsieur, > I am an artist working on the Figures of Euclid's Elements. > First I was interested by theses figures in the manuscripts : > I was allowed to consult in Bibliothèque Nationale de France, in Vatican > Library, Leiden, Columbia University and so on... > Now my feeling is that this tradition you can SEE on the manuscripts, > coming from Greek through Arabic, Hebrew, Latin ... starting > again at Renaissance, is reborn with this new kind of humanist media: > www. > For my next art shows I would like to present some images of Euclidean > manuscripts with links to your pages. > For instance, the first step, in Ecole des Beaux Arts de Dijon, on > november 98, will be on a offline way. > A CD rom for inside use will be made at this occasion. > So, would you please tell me if you agree. > Anyway, any commentary or suggestion from you will be appreciated. > Of course, the copyright of your web pages will appear, and a copy of > the CD will be sent to you. I agree. All the best and a lot of success in your work, Zvi. > yours faithfully. david Boeno. > > -- Dr. Zvi Har'El mailto:rl@math.technion.ac.il Department of Mathematics +972-4-8294094(Phone) Technion - Israel Institute of Technology +972-4-8324654(FAX) http://www.math.technion.ac.il/~rl/ Haifa 32000, ISRAEL ``If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all.''--Thumper (1942)