Peter Paul Rubens,
Juno und Argus,
um 1610,
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Köln
Francisci Aguilonii Opticorum libri sex, Engraved Title-page and vignettes at beginning of each of the six books are by Theodoor Galle after Peter Paul Rubens
We would like to know with whom the antecedence lies :
whether the color notions expressed by d’Aguilon,
and carried out by Rubens in his painting after the model of the text,
are really the work of that scientist,
or whether, on the contrary,
they were handed complete to the scientist by Rubens Verkündigung Mariae, 1609,
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Verkündigung, 1620-1622
Gemaldegalerie der Akademie
der Bildenden Kunste
Annunciation, 1628,
Rubens House, Antwerp, Belgiumα