General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
326 Abolition 970 Aborigines North America 618 Abortion 963 Abyssinia 493 Abyssinia language 378 Academies 506 Academies of science 657 Accounts 534 Acoustics 819, 829, 839, etc.Acrostics 328Acts and Resolves 226Acts of the Apostles 815, 825, 835, etc.Addresses 350 Administration 342 Administrative law 346 Admiralty Law 176, 345 Adultery 236 Advent, second 533 Aeronautics 701 Æsthetics 966 Æthiopia 958 Afghanistan 586 Africa--botany 396 customs and costumes 916 description 276 ecclesiastical history 916 geography 556 geology 960 history 316 statistics 916 travels 631 Agricultural chemistry 630 Agriculture 533 Air 976 Alabama 977 Alaska 949 Albania 774 Albertypes 272, 944 Albigenses 540 Alchemy 178, 615, 663 Alcoholic liquors 663 Ales 582 Algæ 512 Algebra 965 Algeria 343 Aliens 819, 829, 839, etc.Allegories 528 Almanacs 313 Almanacs statistical 411, 421, 431, etc.Alphabets 745-748 Alphabets ornamental 341 Ambassadors 772 Ambrotype |
970 America North-- 587 botany 397 customs and costumes 917 description 277 ecclesiastical history 917 geography 557 geology 970 history 317 statistics 917 travels 980 America South-- 588 botany 398 customs and costumes 918 escription 278 ecclesiastical history 918 geography 558 geology 980 history 318 statistics 918 travels 499 American languages 756 American painting 191 American philosophy 973 American revolution 427 Americanisms 378 Amherst College 617 Amputation 175, 790 Amusements 819, 829, 839, etc.Ana, anagrams 543 Analysis, chemical 544 Analysis, qualitative 545 Analysis, quantitative 516 Analytical geometry 743 Anatomy, art 591 Anatomy, comparative 611 Anatomy, human 722 Ancient architecture 391 Ancient customs, costumes 746 Ancient design 912 Ancient geography 930 Ancient history 180 Ancient philosophies 732 Ancient sculpture 249 Anecdote, Religious 617 Aneurism 235 Angels 283 Anglican church 799 Angling 942 Anglo-Saxon history 429 Anglo-Saxon language |
134 Animal magnetism 590 Animal kingdom 636 Animals, domestic 593 Animalcula 333 Annuities 14 Anonyms 999 Antarctic regions 919 Antarctic regions travels 130 Anthropology 366 Anti-Masonry 234 Antinomianism Antiquities, see subject or country. 819, 829, 839, etc.Aphorisms 228 Apocalypse 229 Apocrypha 239 Apologetics 616 Apoplexy 922 Apostles 274-276 Apostolic church 262 Apostolic succession 819, 829, 839, etc.Apothegms 133 Apparitions 634 Apples 590 Aquariums 766 Aquatint 628 Aqueducts 939 Arabia, ancient history 953 Arabia, modern 493 Arabian language 197 Arabian philosophy 715 Arboriculture 717 Arbors 571 Archæology, prehistoric 799 Archery 927 Architects, lives 744 Architectural drawing 720 Architecture 699 Architecture naval 998 Arctic regions 919 Arctic regions travels 982 Argentine republic 281, 232 Arianism 185 Aristotelian philosophy 511 Arithmetic 977 Arizona 976 Arkansas 956 Armenia 355 Armies 287, 234 Arminianism 355 Armor 743 Art anatomy 927 Art biography 707 Art education |
753-756 Art schools 628 Artesian wells 565 Articulates, paleontology 595 Articulates, zoology 358 Artillery 927 Artists' lives 700 Arts, fine 927 Arts, fine biography of 600 Arts, useful 926 Arts, useful biography of 967 Ashantee 916 Ashantee geography 950 Asia-- 585 botany 395 customs and costumes 275 ecclesiastical history 915 geography 555 geology 950 history 315 statistics 915 travels 956 Asia Minor 345 Assassination 345 Assault and battery 668 Assaying 163 Assent 360 Associations 789 Associations musical 368 Assurance 935 Assyria 493 Assyrian language 616 Asthma 133 Astrology 524 Astronomical maps 525 Astronomical observations 520 Astronomy 211 Atheism 796 Athletic sports 910 Atlases 533 Atmosphere 234 Atonement 537, 551 Aurora 993 Australasia 994 Australia 943 Austria 171 Authority 928 Authors' lives Autobiography, see Biography. 946 Azores |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
935 Babylon 795 Backgammon 192 Baconian philosophy 797 Ball playing Ballads, see Poetry. 533 Ballooning 345, 366 Banditti 768 Bank Note Engraving 343 Bankrupt laws 332 Banks 264 Baptism 286 Baptists 961 Barbary States 533, 551 Barometer 731 Bas-reliefs 797 Base ball 499 Basque language 946 Basque provinces 613 Baths 943 Bavaria 701 Beauty 663 Beer 638 Bees 595 Beetles 635 Beets 664 Beets sugar 949 Belgium 800 Belles-lettres 785 Bell-ringing 671 Bells 971 Bermudas 220 Bible 220 Bible dictionaries, etc. 377 Bible in schools 362 Bible societies |
11 Bibliographies Bibliographies-- 015 Special countries 012 Special forms 016 Special subjects 010 Bibliography 795 Billiards 920 Biography 570 Biology 598 Birds 568 Birds palæontology 312 Births 682 Blacksmithing 667 Bleaching 616 Blindness 022 Block books 543 Blowpipe 343 Blue laws 797 Boating 797, 699 Boats 959 Bokhara 984 Bolivia 333 Bonds and stocks 611 Bones 10, 20 Books 10, 25, 686 Book binding 10 Book collecting 657 Book keeping 20 Book rarities 17, 18 Booksellers' catalogues 685, 675 Boot-making 580 Botany 561 Botany fossil 615 Botany medical |
294 Brahmanism 615, 663 Brandy 981 Brazil 244 Breviaries 663 Brewing 673 Bricks 624 Bridge-building 345, 366 Brigands 971 British America 972 British Columbia 954 British India 369 British Museum 942, 941 Britons 616 Bronchitis 738 Bronzes 345, 366 Buccaneers 294 Buddhism 982 Buenos Ayres 690 Building 390, 614, 719 Burial 954 Burmah 174 Business ethics 658 Business manuals 637 Butter 595 Butterflies 949 Byzantine Empire |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
684 Cabinet making 945 Calabria 511 Calculators 517 Calculus 941 Caledonia 977 California 613 Calisthenics 536 Caloric 234 Calvinism 332 Cambists 942 Cambria 736 Cameos 972 Canada 626 Canal engineering 386 Canal transit 946 Canary Isles 616 Cancer 348 Canon law 331 Capital and labor 345 Capital punishment 699 Car-building 795 Card-playing 989 Caribbee Islands 741 Caricatures 694 Carpentry 684 Carriage making 939 Carthage 643 Carving 736 Carving and chasing 954 Cashmere 946 Castille 730 Casts 171 Casuistry 18 Catalogues--Authors 12-18 Catalogues--Books 12-18 Catalogues--Libraries 17 Catalogues--Subjects 616 Catarrh 241 Catechisms 726 Cathedrals 282 Catholic Church 636 Cattle 324 Caucuses 357 Cavalry 551 Caves 136, 176 Celibacy 496 Celtic language 896 Celtic literature 936 Celts 693 Cements 719 Cemeteries 310 Censuses 966 Central Africa 979 Central America 673, 738 Ceramic art |
599 Cetacea 954 Ceylon 493 Chaldee language 519 Chances 795 Charades 361 Charitable associations 908 Charts, history 736 Chasing 795 Checkers 637 Cheese 631 Chemical agriculture 543 Chemical analysis 660 Chemical technology 661 Chemicals--manufacture 540 Chemistry 794 Chess 618 Childbirth 983 Chili 693 Chimneys 931 China, ancient 951 China, modern 491 Chinese language 891 Chinese literature 299 Chinese religion 322 Chivalry 615, 617, 618 Chloroform 616 Cholera 232 Christ 230 Christian doctrines 270 Christian fathers 260 Christian institutions 280 Christian sects 239 Christianity, evidences 270-289 Christianity, history 390 Christmas customs 232 Christology 764 Chromolithography 902 Chronologies 529 Chronology 261 Church 726 Church architecture 283 Church of England 270 Church fathers 270-289 Church history 783 Church music 262 Church polity 282 Church of Rome 261, 172, 329 Church and state 947 Circassia 910 Circumnavigations 342 Citizenship 388 City transit 620 Civil engineering 348 Civil law 351 Civil service organs 351 Civil service regulations |
313 Civilization--progress 134 Clairvoyance 375 Classical education 880 Classics, Greek 488, 478, 870 Classics, Latin 112 Classification 922 Clergy, lives of 551, 536 Climatology 610 Clinic 681 Clock-making 687 Clothes-making 646 Clothing 369 Clubs 549, 644 Coal 622 Coast survey 929 Coats of arms 951 Cochin China 376 Co-education 641, 633 Coffee 332 Coinage 737 Coins 595 Coleoptera 708 Collections, art 749 drawing and design 769 engraving 759 painting 779 photography 739 sculpture 579 Collectors' manuals 378 Colleges 628 Collieries 986 Colombia, S.A. 325 Colonies 535 Color 752 Colors, painting 667 Coloring Comedy, see Drama. 523 Comets Comic works, see Humor. 259 Commemorative sermons 220 Commentaries, Bible 340 Commentaries, law 380 Commerce 343 Commercial law 343 Common law 372 Common schools 380, 650 Communication 265 Communion 335 Communism 335 Comparative anatomy 291 Comparative mythology 410 Comparative philology 629, 538, 527 Compass |
Compends-- 702 fine arts 902 history 802 literature 502 natural science 402 philology 102 philosophy 502 science 302 sociology 202 theology 602 useful arts 815 Composition 781 Composition of music 194, 145 Comte's philosophy 594 Conchology 220 Concordances of Bible 642 Confectionery 282 Confessional 285 Congregationalism 515 Conic sections 974 Connecticut 170, 233 Conscience 789 Conservatories of music 323 Constitution, English 324 Constitution, United States 342 Constitutional law 721 Construction, architectural 327 Consuls 616 Consumption 614 Contagion 343 Contracts 362, 271 Convents 177 Conversation 641 Cookery 331 Co-operation 671, 549 Copper 762 Copper engraving 492 Coptic language 343 Copyright 593 Corals 959 Corea 347, 343 Corn laws 721 Cornices 343 Coroners 371 Corporal punishment 360 Corporations 364 Correction, houses of 530 Correlation of forces 816 Correspondence 944 Corsica 646 Cosmetics 113 Cosmogony 113 Cosmology 947 Cossacks 979 Costa Rica 390 Costumes 728 Cottages |
678 Cotton manufactures 633 Cotton planting 381, 382 Cotton trade 262, 270 Councils 347 Courts martial 194 Cousin's philosophy 274, 941 Covenanters 636, 637 Cows 634 Cranberries 741 Crayoning 213 Creation 334 Credit 244, 280 Creeds 614, 390 Cremation 949 Crete 796 Cricket 947 Crimea 345 Crimes and punishments 345 Criminal law 142 Critical psychology Criticism--literary, see Essays. 793 Crocheting 796 Croquet 616 Croup 274, 940 Crusades 595 Crustacea 582 Cryptogamia 548 Crystallography 979 Cuba 332 Currency 531 Curvilinear motion 337 Customs and duties 390 Customs and manners 30 Cyclopaedias, general |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
772 Daguerreotype 637 Dairy 793 Dancing 498 Danish 575 Darwinism 361 Deaf and dumb institutions 616 Deafness 612 Death 236 Death and resurrection 345 Death penalty 815 Debates 511 Decimal system 389 Decimal weights & measures 745-748 Decorative art 162 Deductive logic 211 Deism 975 Delaware 133 Delusions 324 Democracy 133 Demonology 948 Denmark 280 Denominations, Christian 617 Dentistry 233, 216 Depravity 132 Derangement, mental 194 Descarte's philosophy 523 Descriptive astronomy 744 Descriptive geometry 740 Design and drawing 745-8 Design ornamental 321 Despotism 354 Detectives 222 Deuteronomy 575 Development theory 235 Devil 240 Devotional theology 551 Dew |
160 Dialectics Dialects-- 427 English 447 French 437 German 487 Greek 457 Italian 477 Latin 467 Spanish 552 Diamonds Dictionaries-- 413 comparative 423 English 703 fine art 443 French 433 German 483 Greek 903 history 453 Italian 473 Latin 803 literature 503 natural science 403 philology 103 philosophy 503 science 303 sociology 463 Spanish 203 theology 603 useful arts |
241 Didactic theology 736 Die-making 613 Diet 517 Differential calculus 612 Digestion 343 Digests 643 Dining 616 Diphtheria 327, 341 Diplomacy 10, 21 Diplomatics 910 Directories 371 Discipline, education 616 Diseases 614 Disinfection 615 Dispensatories 611 Dissection 289, 283 Dissenters 663 Distillation 976 District of Columbia 343, l73 Divorce 273 Doctrinal history 253 Doctrinal sermons 230 Doctrinal theology 599, 636 Dogs 636 Domestic animals 728 Domestic architecture 640 Domestic economy 327 Domestic and foreign relations 615 Domestic medicine 381 Domestic trade 248 Domestic worship 795 Dominos 631, 614 Drainage |
812 Drama, general treatises 822 Drama, English 842 Drama, French 832 Drama, German 882 Drama, Greek 852 Drama, Italian 872 Drama, Latin 862 Drama, Spanish 792 Dramatic amusements 782 Dramatic music 795 Draughts 740 Drawing 741 Drawing-books 135 Dreams 646 Dress 646 Dress making 713 Drives 798 Driving 615 Drugs 299 Druids 177, 345, 392 Duelling 439 Dutch language 753 Dutch painting 289 Dutch Reformed Church 949 Dutch Republic 170 Duties 337 Duties and customs 667 Dyeing 537 Dynamical electricity 553 Dynamical geology 531 Dynamics 616 Dysentery 616 Dyspepsia |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
616 Ear diseases 182 Early Greek philosophy 551 Earth 526 Earth figure of 553 Earthquakes 954 East Indies 244 Easter 281 Eastern church 974 Eastern States 270 Ecclesiastical history 262 Ecclesiastical polity 593 Echinoderms 616 Eclectic medicine 148 Eclectic psychology 523 Eclipses 640 Economy, domestic 330 Economy, political 989 Ecuador 370 Education 707 Education fine arts 907 Education history 507 Education natural sciences 407 Education philology 107 Education philosophy 507 Education science 207 Education theology 607 Education useful arts 378 Educational institutions 379 Educational reports 932 Egypt, ancient 962 Egypt, modern 492 Egyptian language 892 Egyptian literature 256 Election sermons 324 Elections 537 Electricity 538 Electro-magnetism 361 Eleemosynary institutions 372 Elementary education 733 Elgin marbles 815 Elocution 326 Emancipation 390 Embalming 346, 341 Embargo 219 Emblems 576 Embryology 325 Emigration 144 Empirical psychology 751 Enamel painting 751 Encaustic painting 30 Encyclopædias, general 620 Engineering 629 Engineering instruments |
942 England, history 283 English church 427 English dialects 423 English dictionaries 422 English etymology 323 English government 425 English grammar 420 English language 820 English literature 421 English orthography 756 English painting 420 English philology 192 English philosophy 426 English prosody 735 English sculpture 424 English synonyms 428 English texts 760 Engraving 819, 829, 839, etc. Enigmas 791 Entertainments 137 Enthusiasm 595 Entomology 595 Entozoa 811, 821, 831, etc.Epics 883 Epics Greek 873 Epics Latin 187 Epicurean philosophy 614 Epidemics 819, 829, 839, etc. Epigrams 283 Episcopal church 227 Epistles, Bible 816, 826, etc. Epistolography 929 Epitaphs 989 Equador 798 Equestrian exercise 355 Equipments of armies 359 Equipments of navies 344 Equity 236 Eschatology 979, 998 Esquimaux |
824 Essays, English literature 704 Essays, fine arts 844 Essays, French 814 Essays, general treatises 834 Essays, German 904 Essays, history 854 Essays, Italian 804 Essays, literature 504 Essays, natural science 404 Essays, philology 104 Essays, philosophy 329 Essays, political 504 Essays, science 304 Essays, sociology 864 Essays, Spanish 204 Essays, theology 604 Essays, useful arts |
767 Etching 617 Etherization 170 Ethics 966 Ethiopia 390 Ethnography 572 Ethnology 177 Etiquette 937 Etruria 412 Etymologies, comparative 422 Etymologies, English 442 Etymologies, French 432 Etymologies, German 482 Etymologies, Greek 452 Etymologies, Italian 472 Etymologies, Latin 462 Etymologies, Spanish 265 Eucharist 920, 259 Eulogies 584 Europe--botany 394 customs and costumes 274 ecclesiastical history 914 geography 554 geology 940 history 314 statistics 914 travels 349 Evidence (law) 239 Evidences of Christianity 216 Evil 575 Evolution 332 Exchange 336 Excise 220 Exegesis 708 Exhibitions, art 222 Exodus 542 Experimental Chemistry 910 Explorations 258 Expository sermons 385 Express companies 616 Eye, diseases 612 Eye, functions |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
819, 829, 839, etc.Fables 819, 829, 839, etc. Facetiæ 813, 823, 833 etc. Fairy tales 234, 163 Faith 173 Family 616 Family medicines 247 Family worship 133 Fanaticism 828, 838, etc., 791 Farces 630 Farming 682 Farriery 177 Fashion 244 Fasts 159 Fatalism 270 Fathers of the church 590 Fauna 244 Feasts 324 Federalism 376 Female education 378 Female seminaries 796 Fencing 582 Ferns 299 Fetichism 322 Feudal institutions 616 Fevers Fiction, see Romance. 629 Field books, engineering 796-799 Field sports 526 Figure of the earth 363, 345, 978 Filibusters 113 Final causes 330 Finances 700 Fine arts 927 biography of 947 Finland 499 Finno-Hungarian language 355, 683 Fire arms 369 Fire departments 621 Fire engines 368 Fire insurance 662 Fire works 597 Fishes 567 Fishes palæontology 639 Fisheries 799 Fishing 929 Flags 949 Flanders 633, 677 Flax 753 Flemish painting 595 Flies |
584-589 Flora 945 Florence 976 Florida 716, 583 Flower garden 580 Flowers 517 Fluxions 291-293 Folk-lore 643 Food 267 Foreign missions 327 Foreign relations 382 Foreign trade 345 Forgery 349 Form book 623 Fortification 133 Fortune-telling 560 Fossils 671 Founderies 361 Foundling hospitals 714 Fountains 799 Fowling 636 Fowls 617 Fractures 944 France 324 Franchise 271 Franciscans 943 Franconia 943, 944 Franco-Prussian war 741 Free-hand drawing 366 Freemasonry 337 Free trade 159 Freewill 440 French language 449 French language old 840 French literature 754 French painting 194 French philosophy 944 French revolution 735 French sculpture 751 Fresco painting 531 Friction 289 Friends, Society of 157 Friendship 634 Fruit culture 644 Fuel 336 Funds and funding 259 Funeral sermons 390 Funerals 645 Furniture 218 Future life 237 Future state |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
708Galleries of art 749 drawing and design 769 engraving 759 painting 779 photography 739 sculpture, etc. 537 Galvanism 175 Gambling 345 Game laws 793-7 Games 635 Gardening 710 Gardening Landscape 696 Gas-fitting 665, 644 Gas lighting 665 Gas making 641 Gastronomy 389 Gauging 910 Gazetteers 736 Gem engraving 549 Gems 929 Genealogy 577 Generation, Spontaneous 222 Genesis 945 Genoa 526 Geodesy 910 Geography 916 Geography Africa 912 Geography ancient 915 Geography Asia 914 Geography Europe 911 Geography historical 913 Geography modern 917 Geography N. America 551 Geography physical 918 Geography S. America 910 Geography travels 550 Geology 553 Geology dynamical 513 Geometry 516 Geometry analytical 959, 976 Georgia 430 German language 439 German language low 830 German literature 753 German painting 193 German philosophy 289 German Reformed Church 943 Germany |
133 Ghosts 949 Gipsies 363, 944 Girondists 553 Glaciers 666 Glass 751 Glass painting 698 Glazing 784 Glees 522 Globes, use of 413, 423, 433, etc. Glossaries 646, 675, 677 Gloves 281 Gnostics 231 God 549, 671 Gold 514 Goniometry 244 Good-Friday 226 Gospels 723 Gothic architecture 943 Goths 616 Gout 320 Government 234 Grace 634 Grafting 633 Grains 415 Grammars, comparative 425 Grammars, English 445 Grammars, French 435 Grammars, German 485 Grammars, Greek 455 Grammars, Italian 475 Grammars, Latin 465 Grammars, Spanish |
946 Granada 363 Granges 634 Grape culture 633 Grasses 716, 583 Grasses ornamental 718 Grave-stones 719 Grave-yards 531 Gravitation 941, 942 Great Britain 938 Greece, ancient 949 Greece, modern 722 Greek architecture 281 Greek church 488 Greek commentaries 480 Greek language 880 Greek literature 489 Greek modern 292 Greek mythology 180, 888 Greek philosophy 733 Greek sculpture 488 Greek texts with notes 880 Greek texts without notes 880 Greek translations 583, 635 Greenhouses 998 Greenland 712 Grounds, private 715 Groves 979 Guatemala 988 Guiana 910 Guide books 345 Guillotine 967 Guinea 355, 662 Gun cotton 355 Gunnery 355, 662 Gunpowder 683 Gunsmithery 679 Gutta percha 613 Gymnastics 949 Gypsies |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
343 Habeas corpus 192 Hamiltonian philosophy 627 Harbors 781 Harmony, music 226 Harmony of gospels 685 Harness-making 787 Harpsichord 615 Hasheesh 646 Hats 613 Health 614 Health public 616 Heart diseases 536 Heat 290 Heathen religions 697 Heating 237 Heaven 933 Hebrew history 493 Hebrew language 715 Hedges 193 Hegelian philosophy 774 Heliotypes 237 Hell 182 Heraclitic philosophy 929 Heraldry 582 Herbariums 590, 612 Hermaphrodites 220 Hermeneutics 598 Herpetology 419 Hieroglyphics 373 Higher education 345 Highwaymen 611 Histology |
222 Historical books of Bible 908 Historical charts and tables 911 Historical geography 906 Historical societies 900 History-- 930-939 ancient 928 biography of 270 ecclesiastical 709 fine arts 910 geography 889 in Greek 879 in Latin 809 literature 940-999 modern 509 natural sciences 409 philology 109 philosophy 901 philosophy of 509 science 309 sociology 209 theology 909 universal 609 useful arts |
792 Histrionics 933, 956 Holy Land 371, 374 Home education 266 Home missions 345 Homicide 251 Homiletics 615 Homoeopathy 574 Homologies 638 Honey 636, 599, 357, 619 Horse 798 Horse-racing 798 Horse-riding 682 Horse-shoeing 798 Horsemanship 243 Hortatory theology 635 Horticulture 361 Hospitals 390 Hotels 583, 635 Hothouses 640 House-keeping 640 Housewifery 289, 944 Huguenots 611 Human anatomy 361 Humane societies 818 Humor 828 English 848 French 838 German 887 Greek 858 Italian 868 Spanish 799 Hunting 533 Hurricanes 630 Husbandry 590 Hybridism 628 Hydraulic engineering 532 Hydraulics 532 Hydrodynamics 551, 627, 527 Hydrography 532 Hydromechanics 615 Hydropathy 614, 616 Hydrophobia 532 Hydrostatics 613 Hygiene 131 Hygiene mental 245 Hymnology 132, 616 Hypochondria |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
553 Icebergs 948 Iceland 498 Icelandic language 560 Ichnology 597 Ichthyology 730 Iconography 141 Idealistic psychology 132 Idiocy 290 Idolatry 745llumination 156 Imagination 264, 286 Immersion 325 Immigration 218, 237 Immortality 345 Imprisonment for debt 232 Incarnation 333 Income 23 Incunabula 934 India, ancient history 954 India, modern history 494 Indian language 894 Indian literature 977 Indiana 970 Indians, American 499 Indians, American language 675 India-rubber 793 Indoor amusements 161 Induction 161 Inductive logic 744 Industrial drawing 607 Industrial schools 364 Inebriate institutions 173, 345 Infanticide 356 Infantry 211 Infidelity 614, 615 Inoculation 546 Inorganic chemistry 272 Inquisition 361 Insane Hospitals 132 Insanity 417 Inscriptions 595 Insects 238 Inspiration 158 Instincts 64 Institute of France 360 Institutions 378 Institutions educational 322 Institutions Feudal |
323 Institutions Monarchic 789 Institutions Musical 260 Institutions of religion 321 Institutions Patriarchal 324 Institutions Republican 371 Instruction 785 Instrumental music 629 Instruments, engineering 681 Instruments, making 368 Insurance companies 517 Integral calculus 151 Intellect 140-150 Intellectual philosophy 178 Intemperance 380, 650 Intercommunication 334 Interest 658 Interest tables 353 Interior, administration 136, 618 Intermarriage 237 Intermediate state 614, 390 Interments 600 International exhibitions 341 International law 272 Intolerance 143 Intuitive psychology 608 Inventions 592 Invertebrates 562 Invertebrates paleontology 949 Ionian Islands 182 Ionic philosophy 977 Iowa 495 Iranian languages 895 Iranian literature 941 Ireland 283 Irish church 496 Irish language 624 Iron, bridges 672 Iron, manufacture 549, 669 Iron, mineral 359, 699 Iron-clad ships 631 Irrigation 450 Italian language 850 Italian literature 755 Italian painting 195 Italian philosophy 734, 735 Italian sculpture 945 Italy |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
363, 944 Jacobins 979 Jamaica 282 Jansenism 952 Japan 499 Japanese language 698 Japanning 992 Java 819, 829, 839, etc. Jests |
266, 282 Jesuit missions 271, 282 Jesuits 232 Jesus |
646, 671 Jewelry 933 Jews, history 226 John 694 Joinery 50 Journalism |
296 Judaism 237 Judgment and future state 329 Junius letters 340 Jurisprudence 342 Jury 234 Justification |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
968 Kafirs 536 Kaleidoscope 977 Kansas 193, 142 Kant's philosophy |
936 Keltic, ancient history 496 Keltic, language 896 Keltic, literature |
976 Kentucky 372 Kindergarten 531 Kinematics 641 Kitchen 322 Knighthood 297 Koran |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
331 Labor 331 Laboring classes 972 Labrador 677 Lace-making 714 Lakes, artificial 622 Land surveying 333 Landlord and tenant 710 Landscape gardening 758 Landscape painting 778 Landscape photographs 400 Language 947, 948 Lapland 488 Latin commentaries 470 Latin language 470 Latin literary history 870 Latin literature 479 Latin medieval 488 Latin texts, with notes 870 Latin texts, without notes 870 Latin translations 648 Laundry 340 Law 341 Law of nations 712 Lawns 923 Lawyers' lives 549, 671 Lead 675 Leather 815, 825, 835, etc. Lectures 291-293 Legends 133 Legerdemain 343, 328 Legislation 328 Legislative annals 343 Legitimacy 244 Lent 595 Lepidoptera |
816 Letter writing 816 Letters Letters-- 826 English 846 French 836 German 886 Greek 856 Italian 876 Latin 866 Spanish 956, 962 Levant 622 Levelling 222 Leviticus 413, 423, 433, etc. Lexicons 345 Libel 324 Liberty 324 Liberty of press 19 Libraries 17, 18 Library catalogues 19 Library economy 19 Library history and report |
582 Lichens 218, 237 Life, future 368 Life insurance 535 Light 656, 627 Light-houses 537 Lightning 644 Lights and fuel 765 Line engraving 400 Linguistics 663 Liquors 244 Litany |
824, 834, 844, etc. Literary criticism 819 miscellany 829 English 849 French 839 German 859 Italian 869 Spanish 343 property 800 Literature 928 Literature, biography of 870, 880, 488-498 Literature, classical 810 Literature, treatises 763 Lithography 552 Lithology 444 Liturgies 192, 145 Locke 683 Locks and keys 621 Locomotives 514 Logarithms 514 Logarithms tables 160 Logic 312 Longevity 265 Lord's Supper 943, 944 Lorraine 175 Lotteries 976 Louisiana 949 Low countries 439 Low Dutch 226 Luke 132 Lunacy 361 Lunatic asylums 616 Lung diseases 289 Lutherans 811, 821, 831, etc. Lyric poetry 884 Lyric poetry Greek 874 Lyric poetry Latin |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
819, 829, etc.Macaronics 768 Machine engraving 621 Machinery 969 Madagascar 132 Madness 50, 105, 205, etc. Magazines 133 Magic 538 Magnetism 134 Magnetism, animal 943 Magyars 297 Mahometanism 383 Mails 974 Maine 614 Malaria 499 Malayan language 991 Malaysia 663 Malt 949 Malta 962 Mamelukes 599 Mammalia 569 Mammalia, palaeontology 233 Man, doctrine of 390 Man, ethnography 573 Man, natural history of 132 Maniacs 390 Manners and customs 579 Manuals, collectors' 670 Manufactures 631 Manures 13, 21 Manuscripts 910 Maps 524 Maps, astronomical 673 Marble manufacture 731 Marbles 699 Marine architecture 368 Marine insurance 346 Marine law 390 Marriage, customs 173 Marriage, ethics 346 Maritime law 226 Mark 347 Martial law 272 Martyrs 976 Maryland 326 Mason &Dixon's lin 693 Masonry 366 Masonry, Free 974 Massachusetts 615 Materia medica 146 Materialist 691 Materials, building 136, 618 Maternity |
744 Mathematical drawing 629 Mathematical instruments 514 Mathematical tables 510 Mathematics 226 Matthew 718 Mausoleums 819, 829, 839, etc. Maxims 616 Measles 389 Measures and weights 744 Mechanical drawing 621 Mechanical engineering 680 Mechanical trades 531 Mechanics 606 Mechanics' associations 737 Medals 723 Mediæval architecture 392 Mediæval customs, costumes 747 Mediæval design 940-999 Mediæval history with modern 479 Mediæval Latin 734 Mediæval sculpture 615 Medical botany 343 Medical jurisprudence 610 Medicine 619 Medicine, veterinary 242 Meditations, theology 786 Melodeons 781 Melody 920 Memoirs 154 Memory 612 Mensuration 132 Mental derangement 150 Mental faculties 131 Mental hygiene 140-150 Mental philosophy 131 Mental physiology 134 Mesmerism 232 Messiah 671 Metal manufactures 669 Metallurgy 110 Metaphysics 551 Meteorology 287 Methodism 112 Methodology 371 Methods of education 389 Metric system 389 Metrology 973, 978 Mexican war 978 Mexico 776 Mezzotint 977 Michigan |
578 Microscopy Middle ages, history, see special countries. 975 Middle States 618 Midwifery 355-359 Military and naval arts 623 engineering 347 law 355 science 355 Militia 637 Milk 236 Millennium 646 Millinery 677, 678 Mills, cot., woolen, etc. 676 paper 621 Mill-work 150 Mind 615 Mineral waters 549 Mineralogy 628 Mines, mining, engineering 757 Miniatures 250 Ministers 922 Ministers lives 977 Minnesota 811, 821, 831, etc. Minstrel 231 Miracles 819 Miscellany, literary 829 English 849 French 839 German 859 Italian 869 Spanish 266 Missions 267 Missions, foreign 976 Mississippi 977 Missouri 154 Mnemonics 731 Modeling 724 Modern architecture 393-399 Modern costumes, customs 748 Modern designs 9l3-9l9 Modern geography 489 Modern Greek 940-999 Modern history 190 Modern philosophy 735 Modern sculpture 297 Mohammedanism 539 Molecular physics 594 Mollusca 564 paleontology 323 Monarchic institutions |
271 Monasteries 271 Monastic orders 332 Money 499 Mongolian language 359, 699 Monitors, iron-clads 745-748 Monograms 331 Monopolies 977 Montana 718 Monuments 523 Moon 170 Moral philosophy 289 Moravians 266 Moravian missions 949 Morea 693 Mortar 312 Mortality 343 Mortgages 298 Mormonism 964 Morocco 581 Morphology 751 Mosaic painting 297 Moslems 979 Mosquitia 582 Mosses 173 Mothers 595, 646 Moths 721 Mouldings 342 Municipal government 361 Mutual aid societies 780 Music 781 Musical composition 927 Musicians 133 Mysteries 289 Mysticism 291 Mythology, comparative 292 Mythology, Greek &Roman 293 Mythology, Norse |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
929 Names 615 Narcotics 390 National costumes 390 National customs 550-590 Natural history 530 Natural philosophy 500 Natural science 575 Natural selection 210 Natural theology 343, 325 Naturalization 500 Nature 699 Naval architecture 359 Naval science 359 Navies 527, 656 Navigation 346 Navigation laws 977 Nebraska 133 Necromancers 646, 793 Needle-work 573, 326 Negroes 323 Nepotism 281 Nestorians 949 Netherlands 595 Neuroptera 341 Neutrals 977 Nevada |
972 New Brunswick 974 New England 986 New Granada 995 New Guinea 974 New Hampshire 975 New Jersey 977 New Mexico 186 New Platonists, philosophy 225 New Testament 975 New York 971 Newfoundland 50 Newspapers |
979 Nicaragua 322 Nobility 290 Non-Christian religions 371 Normal schools 942-946 Norman conquest 944 Normandy 498 Norse 961 North Africa 970 North America 578 North America botany 397 North America customs & costumes 277 North America ecclesiastical history 917 North America, geography 557 North America, geology 970 North America, history 317 North America, statistics 917 North America, travels 976 North Carolina 948 Northmen 948 Norway 616 Nosology 972 Nova Scotia |
813 Novels 823 English 843 French 833 German 853 Italian 863 Spanish 962 Nubia 222 Numbers, book of 374 Numismatics 362 Nunneries 649 Nursery |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
371 Object teaching 525 Observations, astronomical 618 Obstetrics 387, 656 Ocean transportation 990 Oceanica 589 botany 399 customs and costumes 279 ecclesiastical history 919 geography 559 geology 990 history 319 statistics 919 travels 366 Odd Fellows 611, 617 Odontology 977 Ohio 449 Old French 221 Old Testament 664 Oil manufacture 751 Oil painting 111 Ontology 782 Operas 615 Opium 535 Optics 133 Oracles 783 Oratorios |
815 Oratory 825 English 845 French 835 German 885 Greek 855 Italian 875 Latin 329 political 251 sacred 865 Spanish |
634 Orchards 722-724 Orders of architecture 257 Ordination sermons 355, 683 Ordnance 977 Oregon 786 Organ 547 Organic chemistry 562 Organic remains 722 Oriental architecture 281 Oriental church 490 Oriental languages 181 Oriental philosophy 400 Origin of language 583 Ornamental botany 745 Ornamental design 745 Ornamental work 598 Ornithology 361 Orphans 411, 421, 431, etc. Orthoepy |
411 Orthography, comparative 421 English 441 French 431 German 481 Greek 451 Italian 471 Latin 461 Spanish 949, 956 Ottoman empire 796-799 Out-door sports 378 Oxford University 594, 641 Oysters |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
290 Paganism 927 Painters' lives 750, 698 Painting 560 Palæontology 956 Palestine 212 Pantheism 147 Pantheistic psychology 282 Papacy 698 Paper-hanging 676 Paper manufacture 332 Paper money 995 Papua 989 Paraguay 10 Parchment 173 Parent and child 343 Parish law 711 Parks, public 324 Parliament 348 Parliamentary law 598 Parrots 295 Parseeism 343 Partnership 618 Parturition 157 Passions 250 Pastoral theology 989 Patagonia 608 Patents 616 Pathology 321 Patriarchal institutions 172 Patriotism 189 Patristic philosophy 177 Patronage 339 Pauperism 334 Pawnbroking 172 Peace and war 634 Pears 644 Peat 264 Pedobaptism 322 Peerage 938, 949 Peloponnesus 345 Penal law 244 Penance 946 Peninsular war 365 Penitentiaries 652 Penmanship 975 Pennsylvania 222 Pentateuch 152 Perception 289 Perfectionists 660, 646 Perfumery |
Periodicals, see special subjects. 705 fine arts 50 general 905 history 805 literature 505 natural science 405 philology 105 philosophy 505 science 305 sociology 205 theology 605 useful arts 531 Perpetual motion 272 Persecutions 935 Persia, ancient history 955 Persia, modern history 495 Persian language 342 Personal liberty 342 Personal property 342 Personal rights 742 Perspective 985 Peru 632 Pests, agricultural 560 Petrifaction 549, 665 Petroleum 615 Pharmacopoeias 615 Pharmacy 366 Phi Beta Kappa 400 Philology 924 biography of 100 Philosophy 180 Philosophy ancient 921 biography of 180, 888 Greek 878 Latin 150 mental 190 modern 170 moral 530 natural 701 of art 901 history 401 language 801 literature 501 science 301 sociology 201 religion 601 useful arts |
939 Phoenicia 493 Phoenician language 653 Phonetic short-hand 421 Phonetic spelling 653 Phonography 414 Phonology 771 Photographic chemistry 773 Photographs 770 Photography 775 Photo-lithography Phrase-books, see Language. 139 Phrenology 616 Phthisis 613 Physical education 551 Physical geography 530 Physics 539 Physics molecular 138 Physiognomy 551 Physiography 612 Physiology 591 Physiology comparative 131 Physiology, mental 581 Physiology, vegetable 786 Piano-forte 759 Picture galleries 945 Piedmont 636 Pig 345 Piracy 639 Pisciculture 616, 614 Plague 523 Planets 692 Plans for building 580 Plants 716 landscape gardening 561 paleontology 184 Platonic philosophy 186 Platonists, new 795 Playing cards 812, 792 Plays, see Drama 349 Pleading 696 Plumbing 521 Plurality of worlds 533 Pneumatics 150 Pneumatology |
223 Poetical books of Bible 811 Poetry 821 English 841 French 831 German 881 Greek 851 Italian 871 Latin 861 Spanish 928 Poets, lives 615 Poisons 949 Poland 919 Polar Regions, geography 998, 999 Polar seas 354 Police 497 Polish language 177 Politeness 363 Political associations 330 Political economy 329 Political essays 363 Political institutions 320 Political science 256 Political sermons 329 Political speeches 262 Polity, ecclesiastical 173, 345 Polygamy 40 Polygraphy 589 Polynesia, botany 399 customs and costumes 279 ecclesiastical history 919 geography 559 geology 996 history 499 languages 319 statistics 919 travels 593 Polyps 290 Polytheism 634 Pomology 714 Ponds, artificial 339 Poor 343 Poor laws 282 Popery 312 Population 738 Porcelain 757 Portrait painting 777 Portraits, photographs 946 Portugal 469 Portuguese language 860 Portuguese literature 146 Positivism 383 Postage-stamps 383 Post-offices 635 Potato 673 Pottery 673 Pottery manufacture |
636 Poultry 662, 355 Powder 522 Practical astronomy 240 Practical theology 25 Practical sermons 615 Practice of medicine 217 Prayer 247 Prayer-meetings 250 Preaching and preachers 343 Precedents 549 Precious metals 231 Predestination 618 Pregnancy 571 Pre-historic archæology 284 Presbyterians 615 Prescriptions 324 Press, liberty of 571 Primeval man 270 Primitive Christianity 322 Primogeniture 655 Printing 769 Prints 365 Prison associations 365 Prisons 712 Private grounds 248 Private worship 341 Privateers 519 Probabilities 338 Production 633 Productions of the soil 312 Progress of civilization 313 Progress of population 28 Prohibited books 178 Prohibition 358, 531 Projectiles 744 Projection 343 Promissory notes 411, 421, 431, etc. Pronunciation 331 Property 342, 343 Property law 336 Property tax 231 Prophecy 224 Prophetical books of Bible 485 Prose composition, Greek 475 Prose composition, Latin 416 Prosody, comparative 426 English 446 French 436 German 486 Greek 456 Italian 476 Latin 466 Spanish 618, 176 Prostitution |
337 Protection 283 Protestant episcopal 283-289 Protestantism 282 Protestantism and Romanism 576 Protoplasm 593 Protozoa 563 paleontology 449 Provençal language 819 Proverbs, and quotations 223 Proverbs, Bible 2l4 Providence 427, 437, etc. Provincialisms 634, 715 Pruning 943 Prussia 223 Psalms 14 Pseudonyms 140 Psychology 336 Public accounts 725 Public buildings 361 Public charities 328 Public documents 370 Public education 336 Public funds 614 Public health 390 Public houses 353 Public lands 360 Public meetings 378 Public schools 815 Public speaking 246 Public worship 250 Pulpit oratory 532 Pumps 421 Punctuation, English 345 Punishment 277, 289 Puritans 244, 283 Puseyism 599 Pygmies 916, 932 Pyramids 549 Pyrites 662 Pyrotechnics 186 Pyrrhonism 182 Pythagorean philosophy |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
599 Quadrumana 599 Quadrupeds |
289 Quakers 544 Qualitative analysis |
545 Quantitative analysis 614 Quarantine 518 Quaternions 819, 829, etc. Quotations |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
798 Race-horse 572 Races, history 798 Racing 593 Radiates 563 Radiates paleontology 625 Railroad engineering 621 Railroad locomotives 385 Railroads 343 Railways, laws of 551 Rain 322 Rank 211, 155 Rationalism 418, 428, 438, etc. Readers 815 Reading, art of 15, 16 Reading courses 374 Reading for self-education 374 Real estate 374 Reason 973 Rebellion, Southern 640 Recipe books 790 Recreation 274 Reformation 364 Reformatory associations 364 Reformatory institutions 289 Reformed church 234 Regeneration 613 Regimen 355 Regulations of armies 359 Regulations of navies |
215 Religion and science 255 Religion and sermons 290 Religions, Non-Christian 249 Religious anecdotes 362 Religious associations 922 Religious biography 377 Religious education 249 Religious fiction 362 Religious institutions 271 Religious orders 201 Religious philosophy 560 Remains 333 Rents 234, 241 Repentance 598 Reptiles 568 Reptiles paleontology 324 Republican institutions 691 Resistance of materials 236 Resurrection 237 Retribution 231 Revealed religion 231 Revelation 336 Revenue Reviews, see Periodicals 269 Revivals |
973 Revolution, American 944 Revolution, French 815 Rhetoric 251 Rhetoric sacred 974 Rhode Island 582 Rhododendron 819, 829, etc. Riddles 798 Riding 341 Right of search 342 Rights and liberties 343 Riots 244 Ritualism 387 River transportation 551 Rivers 625 Roads 557, 917 Rocky mountains 599 Rodentia 937 Roman antiquities 722 Roman architecture 282 Roman Catholics 937 Roman history, ancient 945 Roman history, modern 870 Roman literature 348 Roman law 292 Roman mythology 733 Roman sculpture |
813 Romance 823 English 843 French 833 German 853 Italian 249 Religious 863 Spanish 440-469 Romanic languages 459 Romansh language 937 Rome, ancient 945 Rome, modern 282 Romish church 677 Rope-making 797 Rowing 675 Rubber manufactures 599 Ruminants 728 Rural architecture 796 Rural sports 947 Russia 977 Russian America 497 Russian language |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
289 Sabbatarians 263 Sabbath 263 Sabbath reform 268 Sabbath schools 264 Sacrament of baptism 265 Sacrament of Lord's Supper 922 Sacred biography 251 Sacred rhetoric 221 Sacrifices 685 Saddlery 387 Sailors 979 St. Domingo 17, 18 Sale catalogues of books 664 Salt manufacture 234 Salvation 997 Sandwich Islands 364 Sanitary commissions 361 Sanitary commissions U. S. 614 Sanitary measures 494 Sanskrit language 945 Sardinia 235 Satan 817 Satire 827 English 847 French 837 German 857 Italian 877 Latin 867 Spanish 332 Savings banks 429 Saxon language 943 Saxons 948 Scandinavia 498 Scandinavian language 898 Scandinavian literature 211 Scepticism 198 Scholastic philosophy 378 Schools 268 Schools Sunday 727 School architecture 727 School houses 707 Schools of art 753-756 Schools of painting 193 Schopenhauer's philosophy 943 Schleswig-Holstein 500 Science, Natural 925 biography of 506 Scientific societies 508 Scientific travels 941 Scotland 496 Scotch language 192 Scotch philosophy 220 Scriptures 616 Scrofulous diseases |
730 Sculpture 927 Sculptors' lives 656, 527 Seamanship 342 Secession 236 Second advent 133 Second sight 366 Secret societies 280 Sects, Christian 377 Secular education 374 Self-culture 374 Self-education 493 Semitic languages 893 Semitic literature 152 Sensation 145 Sensational psychology 152 Sense 718 Sepulchres 614 Sepulture 252-259 Sermons 598 Serpents 647 Servants 949 Servia 614 Sewerage 687 Sewing 687 Sewing machine 376 Sex in education 176 Sexual ethics 618 Sexual science 136 Sexes 744 Shades and shadows 289 Shakers 822 Shakesperiana 636 Sheep 594 Shells 564 Shells fossil 493 Shemitic languages 699 Ship-building 626, 387 Ship-canals 346 Shipping laws 685, 675 Shoemaking 799 Shooting 653 Short-hand 716 Shrubbery 959 Siam 957 Siberia 945 Sicily 649 Sick-room 355, 623 Sieges 536 Sight 613 Sight hygiene 654 Signals 698 Sign painting 638 Silk culture 677 Silk manufacture 638, 595 Silk worm |
549 Silver metal 628 Silver mines 332 Silver money 233 Sin 784 Singing 362 Sisters of Mercy 796 Skating 211 Skepticism 616 Skin diseases 941 Skye 177, 345 Slander 427, 437, etc. Slang 695 Slating 326 Slavery 497 Slavic language 897 Slavic literature 135 Sleep 135 Sleep walking 616, 614 Small-pox 664 Soap-making 177 Social ethics 300 Social science 247 Social worship 335 Socialisms 706 Societies, fine arts 60 Societies, general 906 Societies, history 806 Societies, literature 506 Societies, natural science 406 Societies, philology 106 Societies, philosophy 506 Societies, science 366 Societies, secret 306 Societies, sociology 206 Societies, theology 606 Societies, useful arts 177 Society 300 Sociology 923 Sociology biography of 183 Socratic philosophy 631 Soils 523 Solar system 355 Soldiers 135 Somnambulism 784 Songs 811, 821, etc. Sonnets 183 Sophist philosophy 133 Sorcery 233 Soul 534 Sound |
968 South Africa 586 botany 916 geography 980 South America 588 botany 398 customs and costumes 278 ecclesiastical history 918 geography 558 geology 980 history 318 statistics 918 travels 976 South Carolina 999 South seas 976 Southern States 946 Spain 460 Spanish language 860 Spanish literature 196 Spanish philosophy 332 Specie payment 692 Specifications for building 133 Specters 535 Spectroscope 544 Spectrum analysis Speeches, see Oratory. 521 Spherical astronomy 513 Spherical geometry 514 Spherical trigonometry 595 Spiders 147 Spinoza's philosophy 133 Spiritualism 577 Spontaneous generation 796 Sports 636 Stables 792 Stage 745 Stained glass 616 Stammering 383 Stamps 355 Standing army 664 Starch manufacture 523 Stars 320State 172State ethics 328State papers 342State rights 345State trials 923Statesmen, lives 531Statics 311Statistical methods 310Statistics 730Statuary 343Statute law 621Steam-engine 696Steam-fitting 527, 656Steam-navigation 385, 656Steam-transportation 669Steel 762Steel engraving |
653Stenography 655Stereotyping 776Stereoscopes and views 616Stethoscope 765Stipple engraving 636Stock, live 333Stocks 188Stoic philosophy 673Stoneware 551Storms 663Stills 355Strategy 634Strawberries 787Stringed instruments 371Study, methods of 616Stuttering 701Sublime and beautiful 384Submarine telegraph 323Succession 324Suffrage 633Sugar-cane 664Sugar manufacture 633Sugar planting 131Suicide 992Sumatra 717Summer-houses 523Sun 992Sunda 268Sunday-schools 133Supernaturalism 133Superstition 617Surgery 929Surnames 622Surveying 157Susceptibility 948Sweden 289Swedenborgians 796Swimming 636Swine 949Switzerland 160Syllogism 219Symbolism 424Synonyms, English 444Synonyms, French 434Synonyms, German 484Synonyms, Greek 454Synonyms, Italian 474Synonyms, Latin 464Synonyms, Spanish 616Syphilis 956Syria 493Syriac language 493Syro-Chaldaic 582Systematic botany |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
791 Tableaux 643 Tables, dining 514 Tables, mathematical 653 Tachygraphy 355 Tactics 687 Tailoring 653 Takigrafy Tales, see Romance. 296 Talmud 675 Tanning 337 Tariffs 951, 959 Tartary 701 Taste and criticism 336 Taxation 579 Taxidermy 633 Tea cultivation 371 Teachers and teaching 660 Technology, chemical 611, 617 Teeth 978 Tehuantepec 384 Telegraph 654 Telegraphy 535, 522 Telescope 137 Temperaments 178 Temperance 551, 536 Temperature 366 Templars 976 Tennessee 594 Testacea 225 Testament, New 221 Testament, Old 349 Testamentary law 349 Testimony 976 Texas 677 Textile fabrics 418 Texts, comparative 428 Texts, English 448 Texts, French 438 Texts, German 488 Texts, Greek, with notes 880 Texts, Greek, without notes 458 Texts, Italian 478 Texts, Latin, with notes 870 Texts, Latin, without notes 468 Texts, Spanish 244 Thanksgiving |
Theater, see Drama. 175 Theater, ethics 792 Theaters 792 Theatricals 345 Theft 211 Theism 231, 214 Theodicy 230 Theological doctrine 204 Theological essays 200 Theology 922 Theology biography of 240 Theology devotional 210 Theology natural 240 Theology practical 521 Theoretical astronomy 541 Theoretical chemistry 171 Theoretical ethics 615 Therapeutics 951 Thibet 283 Thirty-nine articles 615 Thomsonianism 153 Thought 616 Throat diseases 537 Thunder 521 Tides 695 Tiling 691 Timber 671 Tin manufacture 549 Tin mineral 336 Tithes 615, 178, 633 Tobacco 646 Toilet 336 Tolls 718 Tombs 622 Topographical engineering 910 Topography 178 Total abstinence 615 Toxicology 244, 283 Tractarianism 362 Tract society 380 Trade 608 Trade marks 680 Trades, mechanic 367, 606, 331 Trades, unions Tragedies, see Drama. |
106, 206, 306, etc. Transactions 142 Transcendentalism 880 Translation, Greek authors 870 Translation, Latin authors 380, 656, 345 Transportation 282 Transubstantiation 943 Transylvania 639 Trapping 910 Travels 508 Travels scientific 345 Treason 352 Treasury 580 Trees 715 Trees, ornamental 345 Trespass 340 Trials 514 Trigonometry 565 Trilobites 232 Trinity 449, 841 Troubadours 685 Trunk-making 344 Trusts and trustees 499 Tungusic language 625 Tunnels 949 Turkey 956 Turkey in Asia 613 Turkish baths 499 Turkish language 674 Turning 945 Tuscany 671 Type founding 655 Typography 943 Tyrol |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
153 Understanding 355 Uniforms 288 Unitarians |
324, 973 United States 587 botany 397 customs and costumes 277 ecclesiastical history 917 geography 557 geology 973 history 317 statistics 917 travels |
909 Universal History 408 Universal language 288 Universalism 378 Universities 373 University education 645 Upholstering 989 Uruguay 600 Useful arts 926 biography of 334 Usury 977 Utah |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
738 Vases 272, 949 Vaudois 581 Vegetable physiology 615 Vegetable practice 635 Vegetables 613 Vegetarianism 616 Venereal diseases 987 Venezuela 945 Venice 697 Ventilation 133 Ventriloquism 974 Vermont 811 Versification |
596 Vertebrates 566 Vertebrates paleontology 619 Veterinary medicine 728 Villas 787 Violin 976 Virginia 170 Virtue |
535 Vision 135 Visions and dreams 576, 612 Vital principle 784, 815 Vocal culture 784 Vocal music 784 Voice 553 Volcanoes 910 Voyages |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
331 Wages 135 Wakefulness 272, 945 Waldenses 942 Wales 713 Walks 459 Wallachian language 172 War ethics 355-359 War science 380 Warehouses 697 Warming 648 Washing 977 Washington territory 681 Watch-making 714 Water, artificial ponds, etc. 751 Water colors 615 Water cure 531, 621 Water wheels 628 Water works 613 Watering-places 745 Wax flowers 331 Wealth 551 Weather 677 Weaving 389 Weights and measures 496 Welsh language |
976 West Virginia 977 Western States 599 Whale 639 Whale fisheries 633 Wheat 324 Whigs 323 Whigs English 795 Whist 159 Will 343 Wills 788 Wind instruments 663 Wine 977 Wisconsin 819, 829, 839, etc. Wit 133 Witchcraft |
376 Woman, education 324 Woman, suffrage 761 Wood engraving 674 Wood manufactures 636 Wool 677 Wool manufactures 331 Working classes 246-248 Worship 651 Writing 653 Writing short-hand |
655 Xylography |
797 Yachting 313 Year books |
616 Yellow fever 362 Young men's association |
295 Zend 295 Zend Avesta 521 Zodiac |
590 Zoölogy 593 Zoöphytes 295 Zoroaster |
General Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |