Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, al-Tadhkira fi ‘ilm al-hay’a
Memoir on astronomy

Couple de Tusi ou Mouche de La Hire

Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī's Memoir on astronomy, al-tadhkira fī ʻilm al-hayʼa,

by F.J. Ragep, Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg, 1993
Book II. chap 11
[1] As for the first difficulty, which was cited [in connection] with the configuration of the moon's orbs, no statement concerning it has reached me from my predecessors. In this matter, I myself have devised what I shall now present.
[2] Let us set forth for that [purpose] a lemma, which is as follows: if two coplanar circles, the diameter of one of which is equal to half the diameter of the other, are taken to be internally tangent at a point, and if a point is taken on the smaller circle-and let it be at the point of tangency-and if the two circles move with simple motions in opposite directions in such a way that the motion of the smaller [circle] is twice that of the larger so the smaller completes two rotations for each rotation of the larger, then that point will be seen to move on the diameter of the large circle that initially passes through the point of tangency, oscillating between its endpoints.
Let us illustrate this with four drawings so that one may conceive from them how this [may occur], and they are these:

Engrenage de Lahire

Spirograph by Anu Garg,  Spirograph Art,   Sprirograph